
Coding For Kids

Coolest Projects

Coolest Projects

Time to take students our students Coding Projects Global – India participates in Coolest Projects! Students of our schools are participating in Coolest Projects. Is your school one of them ?! Coolest Projects is a powerful motivator for young people and encourages them to develop skills in idea generation, project design and planning, coding and …

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Coding as a Career

Coding as a Career

A career in coding gives one the opportunity to add real value to companies and build features that people actually use. There are plenty of programming jobs to pursue in the world of computer technology, like: Computer Scientists Security Specialists Software architects Systems programmers (Kernel level programmers – Designing OS) Cloud professionals Data Scientists Data …

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Why Logical and Critical Thinking should be a part of the school curriculum

Why Logical and Critical Thinking should be a part of the school curriculum ?

In today’s global and rapidly changing world, children need to be able to do much more than repeat a list of facts; they need to be logical and critical thinkers who can make sense of information, analyze, compare, contrast, make inferences, and generate higher order thinking skills. According to Albert Einstein “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training …

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Teaching students Coding Math

Teaching students Coding Math

Coding is a hands-on approach to teach mathematical thinking. When students create or debug a program, they practice solving problems and develop algorithmic and computational thinking. Techniques of breaking down and analyzing problems are particularly helpful when it comes to Maths. The conventional belief has always been that kids interested in coding should have strong math skills. However, …

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What’s common between Sudoku and Coding

What’s common between Sudoku and Coding?

What’s common between Sudoku and Coding? Being able to think logically is important because computer programming is about coming up with precise solutions that a computer can follow. To do that you have to make sure all the possibilities have been covered. Sudoku puzzles are logic puzzles with certain rules. The process of making mistakes …

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